Graphic Design • Fine Art • Rough Sculpture
I’m a veteran graphic designer
Over the years I’ve completed a wide variety of projects
for both the web and print
Projects to increase a company’s exposure
Strategies to improve its sales
Each project is an opportunity to clarify and simplify
by subtracting the obvious and adding the meaningful
What’s meaningful to you?
WHAT I DO just solutions
“There are three responses to a piece of design – Yes, No and WOW!” ~ Milton Glazer
I’m in the WOW! business – I provide designs and service that exceed expectations.
What was the art but a mold in which to imprison for a moment the shining elusive element
which is life itself – life hurrying past us and running away, too strong to stop, to sweet to lose.
~ Willa Cather ~
How do you make the timelessness of inert, silent objects count for something?
How to use the dumbness of sculpture in a way that acts on us as living things?
~ Antony Gormley ~
Tempus Fugit carpe diem
Look well to this day
for it and it alone is life.
In its brief course
lie all the essence
of your existence:
the glory of growth,
the satisfaction of achievement,
the splendor of beauty.
For yesterday is but a dream
and tomorrow is but a vision.
But today, well lived,
makes every yesterday
a dream of happiness
and tomorrow
a vision of hope.
~ Kalidasa, Fifth Century Indian poet